Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Surviving Your First Day at Campus

Soon the new students will start classes.College students certainly different from the high school student. In particular, a more demanding way of learning activeness and independence.This to you who just bearing the title of student. There are some important things you need to know.

Achievement in the Early Semester

Brilliant achievement that will be the first step is good for you for next semester-semester. Remember, the number of courses that can be taken one student in each semester depending on student achievement index in the previous semester. In addition, these achievements would ignite your spirit to continue to excel at the next half-semester.

Selectively Selecting Friends

Friend is also one important factor. Independence in college made a fellow student relationships tend to be individualistic. Moreover, if the lecture that followed rarely or do not require cooperation and group cohesiveness.

Friend needed to learn, discuss, work assignments, or get information. Choose friends who fit in and can support your learning achievement because a friend gave considerable influence.

Establish Good Relations with Senior

Senior is also important for you to recognize. Be polite so that we can establish relationship well. They will be more sympathetic if you can appreciate them. You also can easily borrow the book and lecture material. In addition, information about courses, professors, and others also can ask your senior.

Utilizing Library

Nothing to lose if you frequently visit the library. As we know, library is information science warehouse. Especially if you can borrow textbooks from there.

Be Active Students
Being a student, certainly not the same as a student. Do not just pass through the same route every day: home--school-cafeteria-house again.

Many campus activities that you can follow. Starting from journalistic activities, arts, sports, photography, nature lovers, theater, scouts, etc.. Select the appropriate organization and match the interests and talents. Even better if it can support your studies organization.

By association, you can develop skills and deliver your ideas in every activity. Furthermore, you will have the managerial capability and skills in specific areas of a time of need when you've jumped into the community.

Manage your time
In college, you will be free and independent. For that, you yourself who will manage your studies alone. Want fast or slow? However, one should remember is that every state university has a maximum time limit of study. So clever-pandailah set the time between lectures with other activities.

Set the time when you eat, when to learn, when to rest, when to exercise, etc.. After you set, then do with discipline.

Read the Information

Information is very important for a student. Whether it's college information, campus activities, scholarship, and others. Sometimes, there are professors who cancel or change class schedules without giving notice directly to students. So, frequently read the announcement, or seek information from friends so as not to miss the news.

Keep your motivation

Motivation to learn remains to be preserved. There are students who have confidence that he will fail through a particular course, though he has not tried it. To achieve good achievement,you must set motivation and strong belief in yourself that you can follow the lectures.

There are also other cases, there are students who are too fond of his organization until his college negligent. All you have to remember is your main goal is college. Do not disappointed your parents by giving a bad performance lecture. But show that you can succeed in college without having obstructed organize.

Stay Healthy

Maintaining health is very important for you because it really affects the health of academic achievement. Health problems will cause a further decline in learning ability to make achievements slump. Even worse can derail your studies in the middle of the road.

Well, friends, enjoy your new experience. Hopefully it helpful for you.

Posted by:Septi s

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