Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

say hi.........:)

Hi world!!
Hi everyone….. It’s our first blog post in English and we have to say we are quite excited. Actually we aren’t really  good about this whole blogging thing and posting in English . We hope you can help us to improve our English, we can share each other don’t we?
This won’t be a long one, a quick introduction of who we are and what we do as well as what we wish to achieve with this website.
 The owner of this blog are Onten Juliantini and Septi Setiani, we are English students  in Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University. We never think that we will have website/blog in pairs, all this started from last meeting when our ICT-2 lecture said to create a blog in pairs. For your information, our blog will posting the students activities in Campus, and what happen on Campus .
That’s it for now. Thank you and we hope you enjoy your visit!! Also please send us your comments so we can improve our blog. :)