Rabu, 13 April 2011


Every year Tanjungpura University hold registration for new students. As the only one state university in West Borneo,Tanjungpura University much in demand by high school graduates from all regions in west Borneo. Even some applicants are from outside Borneo, such as Riau, Natuna and Java. Almost every year the favorite faculty is teacher training and education faculty, most in the majors who are interested are PGSD, English and sociology departments. Why do they tend to choose majors in teacher training and education faculty rather than forestry faculty and agriculture?
I as one of the applicants who compete at the teachers training and education before, which is on my mind are:
1. wider employment opportunities.
as we know the number of teachers in Indonesia is still lacking. Especially in isolated areas, therefore, when I've graduated I'll be easier to find a job.
2. as a public servant has a guaranteed future.

maybe this way of thinking should be changed, because being a teacher is not just about money but about how to educate the next generation. Also the government should improve the educational system and economy.
Government should develop agriculture and forestry sectors. Both sectors are considered potentially to be developed for more than 60 percent of poor people in rural areas. Village itself is identical to the agriculture and plantation. so the graduates from agriculture and forestry faculty can work easily .

posted by: SEPTI SETIANI

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